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Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar. (Proverbs 30:5).     

Christ is your safety, your security, your hope and your confidence! Once you are in His love, nothing else has power over you. Do you love what God loves and hate what God hates? That is having the mind of Christ. It is God’s Will for you and you can do it! God’s commandments should be posted on your heart, your home, your workplace, your resting place, your recreational place and all over your life --- all your waking hours. God’s commandments are the whole duty of man! Nothing is more important than them.

Always keep your body, your clothing and your environment clean, if you want the presence of God to be around you and to protect you. The Lord does not enjoy the sight of filthiness. He may have to leave you in a time of your need if you surround yourself with filth. However, He will not leave you when you found yourself in filth and could do nothing to help yourself out of it.

Do not let worldly success or position of authority or fame or fortune get into your head; rather approach everything in life with the uttermost humility. Treat God with reverence and everybody you encounter with dignity. Overlook simple errors and build a good future with your spouse, because what you fail to build today will become a hardship for you tomorrow. Obey your spirit --- your spirit is God in you and can never lie to you. Give love tirelessly. You are accumulating treasures for your tomorrow.

Commit your heart totally to the Lord so that you will not stray and bring disaster upon yourself. Make Him your refuge and you are protected for life. Don’t you want to enter life? Just obey Him and experience the power of His glory! It is not what others do to you that causes you to sin;  it is what you do to others.  You can control what you do, but not what others do, so do to others what is right and experience the love of God in your own life.

It is good to have dreams but always work on something real to be sure of rewards. Place your trust on Christ and He will make your dreams come true. You can always find a justification for everything you do. It is not your justification that matters to the Lord, but your motive, which He knows better than you do and will use against you. When you submit to God’s discipline and corrections, you will be sure to prosper.

Love your brother and honor him. He is born to tell you the truth and stick with you no matter what. It is his God-given duty to say it like it is and hug you afterwards. The same goes for your sister, too. Look upon mankind with compassion and not with scorn or indifference, and forgive promptly; for it will be done to you as you do to others.

Do not insist that people be penalized as their actions deserved: Forgive others for what they did to you just like God forgives you your sins. Forgive their debts when they do not have the means to pay back and God will reward you for that. If you are in authority and has the power to incarcerate or impose penalty, be lenient. Be nice and considerate to all people and have compassion for the afflicted.

The same thing Jesus Christ said to the rich young ruler in the passage above, He is also saying to all of us: Dedicate most everything you have to the service of the kingdom of God in whatever way it touches your heart, for whatever you give up on earth is saved up for you as treasure in heaven. And by this He is not just talking about your material and financial wealth but everything you have or acquired as you go through life, including your time, energy, giving opportunities for others, and your family’s devotion.

Reflections Of Life!

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    Truth & Wisdom

    Pg. 11


    Obedience, Humility & Dedication

    Pg. 29


    Faith & Faithfulness

    Pg. 49


    Love, Hope and Peace

    Pg. 61


    Generosity, Considerateness Encouragement

    Pg. 77


    Holiness, Sin and Discipline

    Pg. 87


    About The Author

    Pg. 97


    Other Titles from this Author

    Pg. 101




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