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We know that you invest in your child to give the child a future you believe is best for the child - not only for a successful career but for a contented life as well. We share your passion on that! 
Welcome to Truth and Life Science Academy.
In addition to providing the students at our school with good quality education for today's competitive markets, we also help each of our students learn to integrate their mind with their spirit, so that they can always discern what is profitable for life, and stay with it! 


Currently, we are operating two schools in Nigeria: one in Lagos and another in Oba, Anambra State; and hope to expand into other cities in Nigeria and across the world with our unique, God-centered scientific education, which trains both the mind and the spirit, for a wholesome life.


Although our education centers on your child, it is oriented towards serving your whole family, by helping your child remember that family is the most important community anywhere on the earth. And that family must work together, to succeed together. 


At Truth and Life Science Academy, we measure our success by how successful we help your child become. Our teachers are qualified professionals who are as passionate about imparting the right values in your child, as our God-centered organization is. Our teachers work diligently with your child every day, to help your child learn the skills they need for success in life.

Meet some of our teachers at our Lagos Campus
Ngozika Chukwutowo
Our Superintendent of Schools  & Lagos Campus Principal
Eunice Ngozi Chukwutowo
Greg Chukwujtowo
Our Secondary School Coordinator/Teacher
Gregory Chukwutowo
Primary School Teacher Hannah
Teacher Kemi
Science Teacher John
Funke Lawal
Meet some of our teachers at our Oba Campus
Stephen Eyim
Ogechukwu Ugochukwu.jpg
Mrs. Ogechukwu Ugochukwu
Assistant Principal
Stephen Eyim
Chinenye Arinzechukwu
Director of Business 
Chinenye Arinzechukwu
logo for fence wall
Calista Mmesoma Eyim
Ifeanyi Chukwujama
Long-distance Learning
Ifeanyi Chukwujama
Ijeoma Obinwa
Mrs. Elizabeth Onoyima
Resident Education Specialist
Rosemary Nnaemeka
Oba Campus sideways
Oba Campus

  Truth and Life Science Academy is an equal opportunity employer, and cares deeply about each and every one of our employees, because their dedicated services to our students, help us guarantee that your child will receive the best care, and the best quality education.

Enroll your child with us today, and see the difference our dedicated teachers and staff, and our God-centered program make. 

Mrs. Ogechukwu Udeaja
Gabriel Eyim
Teacher Gabriel Eyim
Mrs. Precious Mgbemena
394 Warren Street
Our Head Office in the US

TALSA Announcements:

For Lagos, Call Us at:


For Oba, Call Us at:



Registration Is Still Going on for:

Creche, Nursery 1, 2, 3, and for Primary 1-6 at our two campuses.

Mon. through Fri.

at our School Campuses

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who God Is
the singleness
Life Is A Journey In God Through God! Original

Coming Soon:

Stay Tuned

School Supply Store for truth and life science academy, On Our campus at  No. 1 Salvation Circle, Zion Heights, Oba, Anambra State

Beke receiving an award in recognition
receiving award at Saint Titus Academy on October 8, 2021, as the best student in government and general knowledge at her tutorial in preparation for WAEC, is TALSA's own 2021 Alumini, Beke!
At Truth and Life science Academy, we teach every child to believe in this truth and work to live it everyday of their life.

At Truth and Life Science Academy, we teach every child to believe in this truth, and work to live the truth everyday of their life.

Meet some of our Students at both campuses
lagos students

Prep, Nursery and Primary: We are a good fit for your child

The look on their faces says it all!
graduating students
lagos students

JSS 1-3 and SS 1-3: We are dedicated to getting your child ready!


Free Education:

In Lagos, Call Us at:



In Oba, Call Us at:


Truth and Life Science Academy is giving free holiday coaching and free first term (Sept - Dec 2022) at our Oba campus.

Call us or visit our Oba campus and register your child today. You will pay no tuition until January 2023. We are located at No. 1 Salvation Circle, Zion Heights, Isu Umuabu, Oba, Idemili South, Anambra State, off Barrister Zubi Anyadiegwu Road, across from NEPA on old Onitsha - Nnewi Road in Oba.

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Monday through Friday

at our School Campus in Oba

Our Campuses and Other Images

Truth and Life Science Academy Videos

Truth and Life Science Academy Videos

Truth and Life Science Academy Videos
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TALSA students playing and announcing TALSA

TALSA students playing and announcing TALSA

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TALSA students playing

TALSA students playing

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The Human Life Is All About Godliness!

The Human Life Is All About Godliness!

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Become A Part Of Our Growing School Family!


Truth and Life Science Academy (TALSA) is a part of a worldwide teaching ministry, Truth and Life Institute, Inc., that is dedicated to helping people understand and live their respective lives, as the most advanced science that God had created and assigned to them, so that they can live life abundantly, as promised by God in the Bible.


Education is designed by God to get people to work together and keep poverty and sufferings away from human lives. Education was never designed by God to bring divisions and increased competition among people for food, shelter, and clothing. It is competition that sidelines the unfortunate and makes them poor! God had created human beings for love and cooperation. 


Our educational approach trains the mind to remain in touch with a person's spirit, while pursuing proficiency in the necessary skills of life that are required for success in today's competitive jobs in all societies of the world. Our training focuses on making each child realize that they are "fearfully and wonderfully created by God, and can do all things in God who strengthens them" through the knowledge of the truth that is God.


The prevailing education systems in the world exclusively focus on training the mind of every human being to dominate their life, thereby suppressing the human spirit that is inside inside them, which God had given control over the human mind. This has led to our learnedness bringing us less productivity, even with increased hard work; thereby casting a bad light on God, who commands us in the Bible to gain knowledge and live life abundantly.


Truth and Life Science Academy's education system allows individuals to give their spirits the lead over their respective minds, so that they will continue to receive from God as they acquire natural knowledge to prepare themselves for jobs and careers. 


Come see for yourself. What we are doing is not magic but real science - the science of life!


In enrolling your child with us, you yourself will start learning all over again. That is the joy of living free and unhindered.


God is good!

Register Your Child Here

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.



IN OBA: At No. 1 Salvation Circle, Zion Heights, Isu Umuabu, Oba, Idemili South, Anambra State, off Barrister Zubi Anyadiegwu Road, across from NEPA on old Onitsha - Nnewi Road in Oba, OR CALL US AT: 0-8130268-4361

Truth and Life Science Academy's Students' Photo Gallery